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Learning about Science is so much fun, especially after taking a nature walk. Read, Explore, Compare, Discuss. But especially, have fun while you learn to appreciate our Planet Earth.

A place for kids to explore and learn about Science and practice in their own backyard or in their next nature walk.

A place you can visit everyday to spot your favorite animals. Visit some of the animals at the San Diego Zoo, take pictures of them without leaving your home. I bet you will plan your next visit to San Diego Zoo or the zoo in your area.



Virtual Zoo

Kids now have to explore online curriculum. Are they ready for that? Here are some tips to help your child when surfing the net.


Internet Safety for Kids

Learn about animals and plants through different resources, including your public library. Get involved in activities to practice in your own backyard.

Science for You

Our Activities

Educational activities based on Science and Math. Do you know how to differentiate an alligator from a crocodile? How many people are in space right now? Find answers here.



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Welcome to Kids Love Science


As you visit our Virtual Zoo and visit some of the links. The San Diego Zoo offers a lot of information and it is easy to explore. 


Learn about our Space Exploration. In a night can you spot some stars. Do you know you can also spot some planets? Learn about rovers, robonauts and centaurs as well as the space missions.

Check on the plants in your own backyard and compare them with those in your neighborhood. Learn fun facts in the Plants Section.

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